Write amounts in words in multiple currencies

Summary: [Show - hide]
  1. Online converter for writing currencies in words
  2. Available languages and examples
  3. Converter settings
  4. Available currencies
  5. See also

This is an online converter for writing amounts in words that allows you to write sums of money in multiple currencies such as the euro, the dollar, dinars, pesos, dirhams, riyals... It supports three languages: French, Arabic, and English. Converting an amount into words is useful for filling out certain documents such as checks, invoices, contracts, commercial papers, etc. It is also useful for language students. This converter is customizable.

Online converter for writing currencies in words

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Available languages for the currency converter in words

This is a currency converter in words for 3 languages (English, French, and Arabic) while respecting the grammatical rules of each language.

English: How to write an amount in words

Example 1: How to write an amount of 4520 euros? The converter allows writing this amount according to the parameters in several ways:

Example 2: How to write an amount of 81.25 euros? The converter allows writing this amount according to the parameters in several ways:

Example 3: How to write an amount of 0.5 euros? The converter allows writing this amount according to the parameters in several ways:

French: How to write an amount in words

Example: How to write an amount of 1459.1 dollars? The converter allows writing this amount according to the parameters in several ways:

Arabic: How to write an amount in words

The Arabic language is a bit delicate. This converter allows writing an amount according to the parameters in several ways. It is one of the most reliable converters. Here are some examples.

Converter settings

Hide zero units: If checked, when the units amount is equal to 0, it will not be displayed. Example: for an amount of 0.125
checked: one hundred twenty-five millimes
unchecked: zero dinars and one hundred twenty-five millimes

Hide zero divisions: If checked, when the divisions amount is equal to 0, it will not be displayed. Example: for an amount of 13.00
checked: thirteen euros.
unchecked: thirteen euros and zero cents.

Hide connector: If checked, the connector word between units and divisions (like "and") is hidden. Example: for an amount of 13.25
checked: thirteen euros twenty-five cents.
unchecked: thirteen euros and twenty-five cents

Write divisions in words: Some people want to write divisions in numbers and not in words. Just uncheck this box. Example: for an amount of 13.25
checked: thirteen dirhams twenty-five fils
unchecked: thirteen dirhams 25 fils

Available currencies for amount to words converter

This amount to words converter covers at least 95% of the currencies currently in use. The selection is based on the currency name rather than the country. In fact, the euro or the franc is used by several countries... likewise for the dollar. The complete list is provided below.

Dinar = 1000 centimes

Currency used in Algeria

Dinar = 1000 fils

Currency used in Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq

Dinar = 1000 dirhams

Currency used in Libya

Dinar = 1000 millimes

Currency used in Tunisia

Dinar = 100 piastres

Currency used in Jordan

Dirham = 100 centimes

Currency used in Morocco

Dirham = 100 fils

Currency used in the United Arab Emirates

Dollar = 100 cents

Currency used in the USA, Fiji, Canada, Jamaica, Ecuador, Bahamas, Brunei, Australia, Liberia, Namibia, New Zealand, Zimbabwe

Euro = 100 cents

Currency used in Germany, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Croatia, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia

Euro = 100 centimes

Currency used in France

Franc = 100 centimes

Currency used in Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Senegal, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Ivory Coast, Mali, Chad, Niger, Chad, Togo, Guinea, Gabon, Djibouti, Madagascar

Peso = 100 centavos

Currency used in Chile, Cuba, Dominica, Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay

Livre = 100 piastres

Currency used in Egypt, Sudan

Livre = 100 pence

Currency used in the United Kingdom

Livre(Lira) = 100 piastres

Currency used in Lebanon, Syria

Real = 100 centavos

Currency used in Brazil

Rial = 100 dinars

Currency used in Iran

Rial = 100 Fils

Currency used in Yemen

Riyal = 100 dirhams

Currency used in Qatar

Riyal = 100 halalas

Currency used in Saudi Arabia

Rouble = 100 kopecks

Currency used in Belarus, Russia

Roupie = 100 paisa

Currency used in India, Mauritius, Nepal, Pakistan

Rupiah = 100 sen

Currency used in Indonesia

Won = 100 chun

Currency used in South and North Korea

Yen = 100 sen

Currency used in Japan

Yuan = 100 fen

Currency used in China